Margaret Faulkner

Taken suddenly from her beloved family on the 26th January 2024.Dearly loved mum to Andrew and the late and greatly missed Christine & Linda, the Proudest Nan to Tina & Ben, David & Kerrie, Alan & Faith, Loved Great Mamar to Charlie, Lillie, Joshua, Esme, Evan & Bump. Greatly missed mum in law to Neil … Continue reading “Margaret Faulkner”

Taken suddenly from her beloved family on the 26th January 2024.Dearly loved mum to Andrew and the late and greatly missed Christine & Linda, the Proudest Nan to Tina & Ben, David & Kerrie, Alan & Faith, Loved Great Mamar to Charlie, Lillie, Joshua, Esme, Evan & Bump. Greatly missed mum in law to Neil & George.

“There are no words to describe how much we shall all miss you”.

Funeral Service date to be Announced but will take place at Grantham Crematorium chapel followed by burial

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